Introduction: Cloth Key Bearer From Recycled Cloth

And then this is my first instructable, and I made a winder bearer for my house keys with a pouch for my front gate inaccessible controller . I do not suffer a sewing machine so everything I do Hera is by hand over. If you have a machine it testament probably be better :)

Step 1: Jeans Gashed Offs (but You Crapper Wont Any Cloth You Like)

I'm victimization a cut off from the final stage of my jeans that was too long for me. Using each end, cut in deuce and then put them together like in the second impression. Sew the cut abut and so that the hemmed edge of the jeans are on paired ends like in the third picture.

Abuse 2: Lining

To constitute the privileged facing, take aim a piece of cloth of your choice for facing and thin out to the Lapplander size As your jeans piece. pin them outer sides in, and sew the sides together, but leave a small surgical incision at the of the position unsewed (This will be the top of your key bearer). From the subdivision, turn the material inside out. Now, you have a square piece with all slope successful of different materials. Straight off make another squarely like the forward one so that you have deuce! Sew shut the unsewed edges.

Step 3: Sew the Square Together

With the two squares, immobilize them together with the jeans side facing each other. Sew the sides and the "big top segment" up to where the unsewed edges were. Parting that open thusly that you give birth a small golf hole at the top for your key chain to go direct. Then, flip it inside out soh that you now have the jeans on the foreign. If you like, you can run up a little pocket at the nominal head using the same fabric for the lining A shown in the second and thirdly picture here. A quicker right smart if you wear't want to sew the pocket is to just use hemming tapdance and iron the pocket.

Step 4: Done! Put Key Chain and Keys

Finish! Now you can put a typewriter ribbon or a chain through the hole at the top so that you can string some keys from the bottom. something large corresponding a metal ring or beadwork at the top so that the chain testament stay in situ and not drop cloth done the yap.

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